Les rituels de portefeuille magique multiplicateur d’argent

2 mins

The magic wallet commonly called magic bedou or magic wallet is a way to have money every day.


The wallet allows you to have money every day without leaving home. Many people wonder how this reality is possible and let me explain it to you.


How does the wallet work?


The wallet is a consecrated fabric envelope in which the genies come from the invisible to steal money from rich companies like banks and other individuals, who have wealth hidden somewhere, the genies will take this amount that you want to deposit in your wallet.


The magic wallet can produce you in Euro, in Dollar, in Fcfa in CHF, etc.


Mostly in FCFA, 100,000 up to 1,000,000 per day. The Euro it gives is from 1000 € to 5000 € per day.


Additionally at the end of each 45 days once you are satisfied, you must make an offering (sacrifice) to the genies. Those who will allow you to have the generosity and protection of geniuses every day for 3 years.


Having a magic wallet without consequences


The magic wallet has no consequences on your life or inconvenience to your family. Many people believe that the wallet has side effects on their life but this is impossible. Because it’s like hiring a group of people to steal money from you and they will get their share that’s how geniuses work every month you send me money for the recognition ceremonies. The totems to follow when using the wallet are simple. This is the most important thing to do with respect.


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