erm, hi ?

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  • Auteur
    • Fuyukai Furyo

      im an English-speaking person, trying to learn a bit of French since its the fifth most spoken language ( 210 MM) . thought it would be great to join a french community, just found out 2day that i cant read a damn thing. Im dumb as hell bro, that kills me.
      When i was on my way here, saw a kinda weird thing in ‘Questions’ and i couldnt understandthe situation at all. still deeply reflecting over the red circles and Wikipedias names use in this text. a/w i think thats not important.
      as i dont fully trust g translate and others (they tell u ”cat” when someone insults u sometimes, btw), can someone explain to me what was happening with the green user ?
      and can someone explain to me how to use this site, ig 😞? im like, not fluent in french ‘>_<.

      (no remark on my name please, thats the email mom created for me when i was still a kiddo. will change it when will understand how to do that)

      im counting on u.

    • Up

      Welcome LittleChild!
      Could you explain what you want on this site?
      If your aim is to learn French, it might be difficult for you here.

    • Vincent Lepage

      Hi there!
      Welcome on WikiPen, @Littlechild123.
      I’m pretty sure you’re the very very first English-speaking user on our forum. And this makes you the very very first “Wikinaut” by the way!
      As @mschrome told you, we are a writing platform designed for French-speakers…
      If you need some help to learn French, here’s a link that may help you : [](url)
      Come back as soon as you can – at least – understand what people are talking about on the board. See you soon!

      Best regards,

    • Fuyukai Furyo

      @VLromans#6477 ur link leads to nowhere, is it intentional ?

      and yeah, that’s what ill do rn, ill learn a bit more french before comin back. C u.

      (just responded now coz was 2 busy irl, sry )

    • Vincent Lepage

      You just have to copy/paste it into your browser.
      There’s a protection against spamming on the board.

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