An angel and a raven

< 1 min

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C’est adapté d’une chanson en français dont le texte est ici

From the blue sky, an angel has fallen,

a sweet, and strange creature,
almost unreal,

who met a dark and desperate raven,

a heavy heart shredded by a lead seal. 

When they have lost their body
and their soul

there is Ingelrahmm written in the coal.

The soft feathers mingling in the evening,

have provoked the bloody birth of hope: 

maybe together, they will be soaring,

an idea harshly bounded by a rope.

When they have lost their body
and their soul

there is Ingelrahmm written
in the coal. 

Sometimes they remember the hopeful day,

when she finds in his flesh his hot heart’s key,

and she hopes that is not only to pray,

if they stand on the ground, near a green tree.

When they have lost their body
and their soul

there is Ingelrahmm written in the coal.

Under the shadow of serenity,

it flogs and burns the skin with tenderness,

in the Walhalla for eternity,

and suddenly they begin to caress.

When they have lost their body
and their soul

there is Ingelrahmm written in the coal.

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